Friday, October 5, 2012

Explore what we discovered further to our recent wifiwork session!

Hello FMKRS!

Yesterday, we were so thrilled to hold our weekly wifiwork session at La Mutinerie - coworking space in Paris; when people entered the place, they were all smiling and greeting each other - seems like a big family! You can have a coffee, organize a small meeting with collaborators, or sit at the ping-pong table and start working on your own! 

Their motto, "Libres Ensemble", really defines the general atmosphere of the place - everybody is free to work on whatever they want, but they can also share and do this together!

Once we sat in the coffee area, we started talking about our newly discovered stuff...

  • Tumblr is now looking for Travel & Tourism Evangelists: if you have the same profile as us: 
    • tumblr and social media platforms lovers; 
    • & travel and tourism industry advocators and curators, you will definitely want to be part of this experience! Tumblr now recruits T&T evangelists to be part of their Strategic Outreach Team in NYC! Don't wait anymore!
  • Silp - Your dream job will find you: in few words, you add the app to your Facebook profile + add some skills (webdesign, Photoshop, restoration management, etc.) + add your friends (the more friends enter the app, the bigger will become your network, and the greater the chances your dream job finds you!) + WAIT for one of your friends' relatives finds interest in your profile and contact you for any job offers that could match your skills!
  • Rest'Oh - the new Yellow Pages mobile app: a real gastronomic guide, that seems to be more complete that La Fourchette or Marmiton Resto according to this article. The app helps you finding the nearest restaurant + you can invite your friends and ask them for their preferences (even if they don't have an iPhone) + it calculates the total price per person if you plan to share the final bill! Unlike La Fourchette, this app does not offer discount on menus.
  • Calibag - personalize your suitcase: when discovering this website, we directly thought about hoteliers who could develop their own suitcases with their logo or specific picture, and offering it to loyal guests, partners, etc... Free advertising on the luggage conveying system in airports all around the world!
  • Piccing - a Pinterest like platform- drag the Picc item on your search bar, and start browsing the web; as soon as you find something worth of interest, just click on the Picc item and add it to your Piccboard (sounds familiar huh?). This platform defines itself as the "perfect place to exchange inspiration and meet new friends who share your style". If you already are a Piccing user, please leave your impressions!
  • Google Maps API - more than a map: start adding your own code and building your own Google map! Hoteliers could definitely use it to see what their guests like in the hotel's neighbourhood for example.
Just before leaving the house to join the team, I received an email introducing Linked In Today - a collaboration to offer Linked In users with fresh news; we can even select specific topics such as politics, marketing, technology, etc. 
A new way of accepting push news into our social media profiles...

I really hope you enjoyed this discoveries!
Please do not hesitate to add any comment or request about the new platforms that we just talked about!

Have a great weekend, 

The FMKRS Team.

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